Forget about acupuncture and others, Hijama is an alternative form of treatment which has been there since ancient time among Egyptians, Arabs, Africans, Greeks and the Orients. The procedure strengthens the immune system, thereby encouraging the optimum functioning of the body.
Hijama is an Arabic word that means “sucking” or “return to normal”. It is one of the oldest, most effective, non-evasive and inexpensive methods of releasing toxins and impurities from the body tissues and organs.
Donel Abdi Rene, Chief Hijamist and Director of Hijama Wellness Centre explains that Hijama in English is known as cupping, a process that involves removing blood through the skin for therapeutic purposes. “It is an alternative form of treatment which has been there since ancient time among Egyptians, Arabs, Africans, Greeks and the Orients”, he adds.
This therapy has also been greatly revived in the study wisdom of prophetic medicines of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who personally practiced the therapy and recommended its use for restoration and enhancement of health.
Abdullah Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (SAW) was cupped on his head for an ailment he was suffering from while he was in a state of Ihram at a water place called Lahl Jamal. Ibn Abbas further said, “Allah’s Messenger (SAW) was cupped on his head for unilateral headache while he was in a state of Ihram.”
The procedure strengthens the immune system, so encouraging the optimum functioning of the body. A successful detox has amazing benefits of healing, health and blessing therefore changing the way you feel and think.
Hijama Wellness Centre located at Park Road Mosque, Nairobi is among the many organizations that offer hijama services in the country. “We do the procedure while observing high standards of safety and hygiene,” says Donel Abdi.
It treats many kinds of ailments including digestive problems, joint and muscle pain, asthma, sciatica, fever, skin problems, low fertility, all which arise from excessive toxins in the body.
Hijama also acts as a preventive measure against ill-health and unclogging meridians in the body hence releasing energy. The procedure leaves a person feeling lighter, more active and free from toxins which are often acquired from the kinds of food taken in and other environmental agents.
These toxins work by increasing or decreasing the speed of various bodily functions which can cause many health issues that negatively impact body energy levels thus making a person less productive.
“Often the feeling of fatigue prevents us from achieving what we want in life; it suppresses our daily energy supply leaving us demotivated and unproductive. Improving our health through the practice of hijama cupping therapy will definitely leave us energized, helping to improve our wellbeing and productivity levels” affirms one of the practitioners at Hijama Wellness Centre.
When it comes to children, dry cupping is preferable but cannot be done for children under 5 years of age and also for very old people because their bodies are too weak. “We do not perform cupping for anemic people,” adds Donel Abdi.
The difference between cupping and conventional forms of treatment (hospitals) is that cupping does not require any intake of any medicine for it to be effective and that the procedure works really fast as its impact is felt immediately after the 30 minute procedure is complete.
Hijama can be performed almost anywhere on the body, often at the site of an ache or pain in order to ease/alleviate the pain. A more conservative approach warns against overuse of cupping and suggests that six optimal points on the body are all that is required to “clean” the entire cardiovascular system.
The greatest challenge that the hijama industry is facing is the fact that many Muslims are not sensitized about hijama. “Very few people appreciate it”, says Abdi. With the help of halal trade expo, various mosques and social media, they have been able to create awareness of the procedure and have been able to attract more and more people. “I had no knowledge about hijama and its benefits until I came to this halal expo,” admits Halima Yassin a 20 year old student.
Sheikh Yusuf Nasur of Kibra reassures that hijama is allowed in Islam. “The Prophet (SAW) said that hijama is indeed the best of remedies,” he adds.
The Prophet (SAW) praised a person who performs cupping, saying it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight (Jamul Warsaai p.179).
“I would encourage more people to take up this procedure because not only does it restore good health, it is also a great source of barakah (blessings) to human kind,” closes Donel Abdi.