We generate evidence, build beneficiary technical and resource capacity, create and strengthen state and non-state collaborative alliances to provide community rooted solutions to existing challenges.
We constantly engage in social research to contribute to available information and share emerging knowledge to support evidence-based policy advocacy and community interventions.
• Media Campaigns
We engage in bold community rooted information sharing and reporting strategies through existing traditional media platforms and alternative new media technologies that include social media platforms. Our Muslim Times Newspaper applies an open and transparent editorial policy to ensure community voices are amplified and heard by all targetted audiences with a view of creating an empowered and informed citizenry.
• Networking and Alliance Building
By applying emerging knowledge, we engage in strategic partnerships with youth, community, religious, Civil Society, county and national government stakeholders to respond to and address pressing youth issues.
• Advocacy
We engage in targeted advocacy actions geared towards addressing community sensitive issues that otherwise cannot be achieved through existing policies due to socio-cultural conflicts, resistance and other associated implementation challenges.
• Capacity Building
These programs impart knowledge to youth and grassroots community-based organizations while developing their interpersonal, resource and institutional capacities to address their existing challenges.
• Community Engagements
We believe that community challenges can be best addressed by affected comunities themselves. We Live, Work and Associate on a daily basis among fellow community members and develop responsive programs that address real community needs.
Past Programmes and Projects
Projects Case Studies and Testimonials
“We have had serious issues among the youth and their elders in this region. Key among them are conflicts between the young people and their religious and cultural elders. On the one hand, young religious leaders were complaining that they are not being given an opportunity to preach and lead services in the Mosques and Churches. The situation got so bad that we had young Imams and clergy organising parallel prayer services which was not right.”
“Some of our Community Health Volunteers/Workers (CHVs/CHWs) in this project through their own arrangement with the Kenya Muslim Youth Alliance underwent a comprehensive HTS training that will enable them undertake testing services for the project and even position them for other opportunities on the same. The SR negotiated on their behalf with the training agency for an affordable rate which some afforded and hence underwent the training approved by NASCOP.”
"KMYA did well in convening the young Imams and Preachers and setting up meetings that we used to reach a common understanding. The simple community Learning Circle model helped provide a space for both young and older Imams to interact and agree. Today, I give Friday service to the young Imams and that way I am able to monitor as well as mentor them. This could never have happened and the suspicions could have generated into something that I don’t wish to imagine."
Our Partners